Thursday, January 8, 2009


I was asked for pet pictures. How about my deer? We are feeding about 7, they seem to come in groups. These are the early birds, then there are a doe and last years fawn that survived the hunting season. Then one lone one comes later. We usually take out a bucket of feed around 3 fill the feeders and bang on the bucket and most of the time within a half hour they will start coming around. If they all come at once they fight and chase the smaller groups away. The does are very protective of their fawns and try and make sure they get something to eat. It is hard to get pictures as the feeder is not very far from the house and if they see you they spook and take off. We will feed from just after hunting season until usually around Easter when most of the snow cover is gone. Last year we quit feeding too early as we had two really big snow falls. There were 11 deer out there looking around going " I know we used to eat at this restaurant". So we had to start again for a couple more weeks.
As for other pets there is only one left "Square Dog" more about her later.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking requests! I hope the deer appreciate your hospitality.
